Wednesday, December 3, 2008

"Super!" Conference

It's that time of the year again...well, almost. In just over a month, the Diabetes Foundation will be hosting its 30th-annual (Wow! Thirty years! It just goes to show how successful these meetings are!) diabetes Super Conference. This conference is an amazing opportunity to interact with some of the nation's leading diabetes experts on subjects of interest to every member of the family- kids, parents, caregivers, siblings- type 1 or type 2. Last year's conference sold out and had a lengthy waiting list, and even though the conference will be held in a bigger venue this year, it is still expected to sell out! (Can I get another "Wow"?!) All of us at the DFM are really excited about the Super Conference. It is wonderful to see so many people turn out in droves to learn about how to take better care of themselves and/or the family members they love.

So, who will be the featured speakers this year? I'm so glad you asked!

- Ann Albright, PhD, RD, Director, Division of Diabetes Translation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

- Chef Luis Bruno, Executive Chef at the Mississippi Governor's Mansion

- James R. Gavin, III, MD, PhD, Endocrinologist and Past President of Morehouse College

-Nicole Johnson, MA, MPH, Miss America 1999, host of dLife TV and author of "Living with Diabetes"

- Stephen W. Ponder, MD, FAACP, CDE, Pediatric Endocrinologist, Driscoll Children's Hospital

- Joe Solowiejczyk, RN, MSW, CDE, Internationally acclaimed family therapist

- Ed Thompson, MD, MPH, Mississippi State Health Officer

These people comprise an INCREDIBLE lineup of speakers! They bring such a breadth of knowledge to the table and will be giving talks to people affected by type 1 or type 2 diabetes, children and adults. Visit our Web site for more information:

Trust me, it's going to be "super!"

Here is a link from last year's conference: