Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Never Too Young for Diabetes

Stories like this are the reason that we have created a new campaign: "You're Never Too Young to Have Diabetes." Every day, you hear stories about children dying from undiagnosed diabetes. Believe it or not, it happens in your own hometowns, and it happens regularly. "Oh, it's the stomach bug." "It's just hormones- she'll grow out of it." "He played too much today; that's why he's so tired and thirsty." These are excuses for the unknown- the symptoms of diabetes.

The basic premise of this campaign is that children of any age can develop diabetes, and that undiagnosed diabetes can lead to a life-threatening medical condition known as 'diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA),' which may require emergency medical intervention.

Undiagnosed diabetes for anyone can be lethal, but many people operate under the misconception that small children cannot develop diabetes. Nothing could be further from the truth. Actually, we visited a newly diagnosed 20 month old very recently, and a two year old not long before that. There are children even younger than that who develop diabetes, too.

It is vitally important for EVERYONE to know the warning signs of diabetes in children, which can include the following:

Increased thirst
Frequent urination
Unusual sleepiness, fatigue
Unexplained weight loss
Bedwetting/ other accidents in children who are toilet trained
Nausea and/or vomiting

Children of any age with symptoms of diabetes should have their blood glucose tested.

Want to learn more? Call us: 1-877-DFM-CURE. And remember that you're never too young to have diabetes.